Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trick: On Screen Keyboard (Windows XP)

This might seem like a silly trick or even a useless function, but I've found a use for it in the past and I'm sure that you'll be able to use it at some point. Windows XP comes with a built in on screen keyboard. Basically a graphic of a keyboard comes up and acts like your keyboard - you can use your mouse or touch screen to type.

Here is how you launch it:

* Open the 'Start' menu
* Select 'Run' and type "OSK"
* Click the 'OK' button

- Escape Technology Group, LLC

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Blog

Today we have launched our new Escape Technology Group blog!

Read about great topics and highlights that we think are important and may impact you. We also welcome discussions and questions related to any of the subjects...

Please check back often to read our Escape tips and tricks posts.

- Escape Technology Group, LLC